Welcome to the Mob Loot Bags Mod! This mod introduces loot bags of varying rarities, dropped by mobs, each offering distinct rewards based on their rarity tier. The mod adds an exciting layer of reward-based gameplay, giving players a chance to earn valuable and rare items during combat.
Ensure that your configuration is properly set up to avoid loot-related bugs.
Required software to run and configure the Mob Loot Bags mod:
Below are the configuration settings for customizing the loot bags and their drop rates.
["Valuable Items Settings"] max_amount_rare = 5.0 valuable_items = ["gold_ingot", "emerald", "diamond", "smithing_template"] max_amount_common = 20.0
These settings control the maximum number of valuable items that can drop from a loot bag. The valuable_items list allows you to customize which items are considered valuable. You can limit the amount for both rare and common drops.
["Loot Tables Rarity Config"] epic_lt_name = ["mob_loot_bags:lootbags/epic"] custom_lt_name = "minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure" common_lt_name = ["mob_loot_bags:lootbags/common"] legendary_lt_name = ["minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure"] uncommon_lt_name = ["mob_loot_bags:lootbags/uncommon"] rare_lt_name = ["mob_loot_bags:lootbags/rare","minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure"] #you can choose more than one (the more you add the more rare they get)
Configure loot tables for different rarities of loot bags. You can set loot tables for common, uncommon, rare, epic, and legendary bags. Additionally, you can use custom_lt_name to specify selectable bag loot tables.
["Loot Bags Drop Rate Config"] epic_drop_rate = 4.0 legendary_drop_rate = 1.0 rare_drop_rate = 15.0 common_drop_rate = 60.0 drop_chance_overall = 80.0 uncommon_drop_rate = 20.0
These settings control the drop rates for each tier of loot bags. Adjust the drop_chance_overall to determine the overall probability of mobs dropping loot bags.
To enhance your modding experience, a new command has been added:
/Changereward loot_table_name
This command allows you to change the new loot dropped from the selectable loot bag
How to Use:
and hit Enter.Utilizing this command helps ensure that the lootbag will give only specific loot from that tabl0e [it changes the NBT tag of the item and make it drop other loot than the default one]